The PNWS Scholarship Committee awards scholarships annually to university and community college students to assist them in completing degree programs in fields of study relevant to future work in the drinking water profession. The committee works closely with the Education and Training Endowment Fund and the PNWS Section Board of Directors to implement the Section’s scholarship program. The committee’s responsibilities include developing scholarship award criteria, disseminating applications to northwest educational institutions, nominating student applicants for scholarship awards, and presenting awards to recipients at the PNWS Annual Conference.
The Section currently offers seventeen named scholarships, listed below. Scholarship amounts vary by year based on Education and Training Endowment Fund performance and budget decisions by the Section Board. In 2024 the Section provided a total of $51,950 in scholarship funds to twelve students.
- Archie Rice Memorial – Archie Rice served as Section Chair, received the George Warren Fuller Award, and earned the Golden Water Drop Award for 50 years of service to the AWWA. Archie was one of the original “front-line” guys at CH2M Hill Engineers.
- Cynthia Driscoll Memorial – Cynthia Driscoll served the water utility industry as a spokesperson that managed her utility effectively, served on numerous state committees, and provided leadership to the Section. Cynthia’s courage and commitment to drinking water was evident as she spent the last year of her life dedicated to the Section’s success in her role as Section Chair.
- Legacy Memorial – The Legacy Scholarship honors a number of individuals dear to the section. These individuals have had money donated toward a perpetual scholarship, but have yet to reach the threshold to have a single scholarship in their name. This list includes (alphabetically) Al Chevez, Katherine Goodman, Henry Grycko, Roger James, Fred Merryfield, Clayton Michael, Chuck Moore, William Mullen, Drew Seibel and Marlene Stiles.
- Pettie/Stiles Memorial – Ray Pettie and Bob Stiles set the stage for cross-connection control and backflow prevention training in our region. They were the prime movers for the famed “yellow manual” which has been used as a model for many of the nation’s cross connection control programs.
- Alan Jones Memorial – Alan Jones was the General Manager of McMinnville Power and Light for decades, but professionally he favored water. He served as Section Chair and was a George Warren Fuller awardee.
- Jim Doane Family – Jim Doane worked as an Engineer for the Portland Water Bureau for 27 years including being their chief engineer. Jim continues his involvement with drinking water by serving as a commissioner at Tualatin Valley Water District. Jim received AWWA’s Distinguished Public Service award in 2013.
- Bob Wubbena Family – Bob Wubbena’s sustaining efforts supported not only our section, but also the national AWWA and Water for People. Bob is a Life Member and Honorary member of the AWWA, served as Section Chair and AWWA President. His recognitions include the George Warren Fuller Award, Outstanding Service to AWWA Award and Distinguished Public Service Awards.
- Our Subsections – Subsections are the backbone of the Section. The following Subsections stand out as supporters of the next wave of water professionals.
- Northwest Washington Subsection
- Southern Oregon Subsection
- Southwest Idaho Subsection
- Inland Empire Subsection
- King County Subsection
- Ron Heinke Memorial – Ron Heinke joined RH2 Engineering in 1980 as a partner and helped establish RH2 as a premier consulting firm. His twenty years of client dedication and commitment to excellence while at RH2 laid the foundation for its continued success. Ron’s work in both the sewer and water industries shaped the development of communities throughout Washington. To this day, Ron’s legacy of honesty, humility and integrity is reflected in the staff that he mentored and continues to be ingrained in RH2 Engineering’s culture.
- Past Chairs Committee – The Past Chairs scholarship honors all past Section Chairs.
- Al Alsing – Allen Alsing served the City of Ashland, Oregon for 36 years, starting as Assistant City Engineer and Water Superintendent. As Director of Public Works, he supervised and managed many infrastructure improvements still in service today. Al was an active volunteer and leader in his community, and served as an AWWA National Director.
- Chris Uber – Chris was extremely dedicated to AWWA; Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc.; his clients; and especially, his family. He was an optimistic, service-oriented, humble engineer, and a great and loyal friend. Through his charisma and enthusiasm, Chris encouraged and motivated his peers and friends to achieve their potential. Throughout the industry and among friends, Chris was widely known and admired for his compassion and generosity, and for his unique and infectious sense of humor. He served as a role model for many.
- Kathy Merry – A memorial scholarship for Kathy Merry was established by her parents Ken and Mary Merry. Ken was a long term AWWA member and served as Chair of the PNWS and National Director. Mary volunteered often to support the PNWS activities and Ken’s participation.
- Bill & Teddy Beckman – Bill Beckman’s involvement in the water industry started when he worked for the Stanwood Water Company beginning in the early 1970’s and continued later with the City of Stanwood. His participation in the subsection and Section involved numerous roles and the stack of hats he has worn requires a tall step ladder to get to the top of. Teddy has been a constant companion and also worked tirelessly, mostly behind the scenes, to make sure AWWA activities ran smoothly and we had fun at our gatherings. Both Bill & Teddy have received numerous subsection, Section and Association awards and honors including jointly receiving the Powell Lindsay Award in 2011.
The Section receives additional generous support from Kelman Publishing and the NW Washington Subsection.
The Section also offers the One AWWA Operator Scholarship jointly sponsored by AWWA and the PNWS Section. This scholarship is for applicants who are a current water operator or seeking to enter the operator profession. Applicants must be pursuing an Operator’s License or Certification, a two or four-year degree related to the water operator profession, or professional development.
To Apply
Students in relevant degree programs, including PNWS members and their families are encouraged to apply. Relevant fields of study include engineering, water resources, water or environmental technology, public administration, and environmental health. Scholarships are available for students second year of community college work or equivalent, entering their junior or senior years of undergraduate work, or engaging in graduate work leading to a degree in a relevant field or advancement in the waterworks industry.
Selection criteria include
- Attending a university or community college within the Pacific Northwest Section of AWWA (section boundary) or student resides within and is actively participating in the section.
- PNWS AWWA Member or member children (not required, but will receive additional points)
- Grade point average and course content
- Involvement and leadership in professional or scholastic associations
- Industry related work experience, internships, and certifications
- Educational goals
- Career goals and relevant experience
- Efforts to support personal education
Applications are completed online via the link below. Applications are accepted while the link below is active, generally January through February of each calendar year. Notice of scholarship awards will be the first couple of weeks in April and are presented at the Section Annual Conference. Funds are distributed to the financial aid office of the student’s educational institution in mid-summer for use during the subsequent academic year.
The 2025 scholarship application period is closed. Please check back in early 2026 for next year’s application.
If you have questions, please contact the Scholarship Committee Chair listed below.
Jason Bransetter
You may make a donation to any of the specific scholarships, or to the general PNWS-AWWA fund. Your contribution will ensure these scholarships always have the means to continue providing much-needed funds to worthy college students entering the water works profession.
AWWA also awards 15 scholarships annually from our headquarters office in Denver, CO. They post new application forms every summer. AWWA also provides an annual Academic Achievement Award. Click the link to learn more about these additional Scholarship Opportunities.