Welcome to the Young Professionals Committee

Mission Statement

The PNWS AWWA YP Committee strives to get new and young professionals connected with volunteer opportunities within AWWA so they can discover the professional advantages that involvement in AWWA has to offer.

The YP Committee consists of new and young professionals in the drinking water industry. The YPs include operators, water quality specialists, engineers, vendors, and any others that feel they would benefit from involvement. Generally speaking, YPs are under age 35 or have 10 years or less of experience in the water industry.

Look for us at career fairs around the Northwest!

The school year is upon us, which means that the Young Professionals Committee will be tabling at a career fair near you. Career fairs are a unique opportunity to connect with students before they enter the workforce, letting them know about all of the great opportunities in the water industry. We look forward to speaking with students and faculty members all over the Pacific Northwest!

Find us on Facebook and other social platforms!

Join the PNWS of AWWA Young Professionals on Facebook! Hear about cool events, get updates, see photos, and stay in touch with your peers in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. (The most justifiable reason to be on Facebook at the office…)

Officer Members

Cole Benak


City of Vancouver


Clair Litsky


Tacoma Water


Chandra Hingston

Board Contact

City of Hillsboro






























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