Here are PNWS-AWWA’s governing documents, provided to help members understand the Section’s history, organization and the responsibilities of the Governing Board and committees. The Bylaws are the Section’s “constitution”. The Strategic Plan identifies the organization’s vision for the future, its goals and objectives. The Rules of Procedure identifies the Section’s structure, organization and procedures.
Rules of Procedure
2018 Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives
This strategic plan of the Pacific Northwest Section of the American Water Works Association (PNWS-AWWA) is intended to provide direction for the Section over the next 3-5 years. It should provide guidance to the Board, Section Committees and Subsections as they prepare their self-appraisals, action plans, and budgets for the coming years.
Section Vision Statement
- Be the Pacific Northwest’s trusted resource for water professionals
Section Mission
- Advance a diverse and inclusive network of professionals to provide opportunities and leadership to the water industry in the Pacific Northwest
Strategic Objectives
- Member Engagement / Education and Training
- Subsection & Committee Outreach
- Training and Education Throughout the Section
- Introduce students & new professionals to PNWS
- Retain & grow membership through engagement
- Organizational Stewardship
- Effectively communicate policy & process to members
- Provide financial accountability
- Define roles & responsibilities for Committees, Subsections & the Board
- Advocacy and Philanthropy
- Support all philanthropic efforts
- Increase involvement with the Association
- Review & advocate on topics that Impacts our members
- PNWS 2024-2025 Org Chart
- PNWS Code of Conduct – NEW
- PNWS Affiliation Agreement
- Affiliation Agreement Signature Page
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Fundraising Policy
- Trustee Pledge of Conduct
- 2020 Member/Non-Member Pricing Policy
- 2020 Webinar Training Guidance Document
- PNWS Financial Process and Internal Controls