Welcome to the Member Engagement and Development Committee (MEDC)
The Membership Engagement and Development Committee’s (MEDC)’s purpose is to promote the value of membership and be a resource to all our members for membership engagement. The value of AWWA membership means something different to everyone, so it is the job of the MEDC to retain current members through promoting the value of membership, and recruiting new members. The PNWS MEDC is supported by the association’s MEDC, made up of representatives from all Sections to support each other with membership efforts.
MEDC’s focus:
- Support mentorship, student engagement and career fairs through the 2020 Vision subcommittee
- Reaching out to first year members to connect them with resources.
- Provide subsection leadership with tools to engage their members, including Welcome Wagon materials
- Creating and maintaining resources for our members!
How to get involved:
MEDC Monthly Calls, second Friday of the month, 12:00 – 1:00 via teams, contact jstultz@brwncald.com
Officer Members

Interested in getting involved with MEDC?
Join us for our next meeting. We meet on the third Friday of the month, 12:00 – 1:000 virtually. Reach out to Joanie, at jstultz@brwncald.com for the meeting invite.
PNWS Mentorship Program
The application for the 2023-2024 program has closed, and the program kicked off in November, but we will be accepting applications for next years program next summer. In the meantime, if you have questions or want to learn more about the program, please reach out to our Mentorship Program team Kyle Wong, kyle.wong@spwater.org and Doug Schlepp dschlepp@rh2.com.
Planning a Career Fair or outreach event? The MEDC has supplies to promote PNWS including pens, stickers, brochures, etc. for your upcoming event. Local Subsections are also equipped with a “Career Fair in a Box”, which includes pens, brochures, flyer stands with PNWS flyers, table cloth with PNWS logo, and other swag. Contact jstultz@brwncald.com for supplies, or to be put in contact with your nearest Subsection contact to coordinate lending out the box.
Membership Database
The membership committee has been working to develop a new database. This database is accessible only with approval of the membership committee. This database will not be shared with third parties. Individuals requesting access must sign non-disclosure agreements and are strictly for official PNWS-AWWA use.
To request the database or information on behalf of your subsection of committee, please do so using the following form: