Welcome to the Water Resource Committee
Mission Statement
“Provide a forum for information exchange about water resources issues for drinking water supply in the Pacific Northwest”
Who we are – Members of the Water Resource Committee include engineers, consultants, planning professionals, water resource managers, utility managers and academics.
What we do – We develop forums to share experiences and expertise and discover innovative solutions together to meet the challenges of increasing water demand, complex regulatory constraints, source water protection needs, and forecast issues of changing water availability due to climate change. Our goal is to aid the drinking water supply community to meet these challenges more successfully through collaboration.
How to get involved with the Water Resources Committee
Monthly Water Resource Committee Meeting: We typically meet on the first Thursday of each month from 3 to 4 p.m, on-line and in-person. The monthly meetings are where topics of interest are discussed and explored for development into webinars, technical sessions and workshops. Past meeting agendas and minutes are posted in the Meeting Archive. Check the Announcements page for our recent and upcoming activities.
Quarterly Networking Socials: The socials are opportunities to network and discuss personal perspectives around contemporary water resource issues.
Lunch-n-Learn Webinars or Workshops: Water resource professionals are invited to share their experience and expertise with PNWS-AWWA through our Water Resources Committee and its network. Webinar technology allows us to bring the experts to your office. In some cases the topic is too broad or too complex for an on-line presentation and a workshop is organized. Past events and some presentations are posted here under Workshops and Webinars on the Water Resource Committee website for those wishing a review or those unable to attend.
Annual Conference Technical Sessions: For many years the Water Resource Committee has assembled panels of regional and national experts to share challenges common to many of us and the unique solutions they discovered.
Officer Members

Check back here for the latest news and announcements.