Welcome to the King County Subsection

Members of the King County Subsection of AWWA cover a full spectrum of water industry professionals including operators and engineers, water conservation and cross-connection specialists, customer service agents and meter technicians, manufacturers and suppliers, teachers and students, meter readers and more! The King County Subsection of AWWA invites and encourages all water industry professionals to attend and participate in their meetings and events.


Officer Members

Jon Miner




Beth Mende

Vice President

King County


Chris Guest


Covington Water District


Jessica Breeden


Covington Water District


All About Ductile Iron Pipe

February 13; 8:30 – 4pm

0.6 CEUs – $120 member price

Brightwater Environmental Education and Community Center
South Meeting Room
22505 State Route 9 SE
Woodinville, WA 98072

This class will include the following: features and design of ductile iron pipe (DIP), installation of DIP, thrust restraint for DIP, horizontal directional drilling with DIP, corrosion and corrosion control for DIP, installation and inspection of polyethylene encasement, DIP vs plastic pipe, and seismic design of pipelines utilizing DIP.

Collectively, all of the information provided by this course will demonstrate to the attendees how to design, install, and maintain DIP such that it meets or exceeds design life.

Register Now!


Lunch and Learn: Pipeline Lead Detection and Condition Assessment

February 25 – Noon -1pm



This presentation will address how utilities can benefit from proactive leak detection and condition assessment of their critical pipeline assets. We will cover various approaches and technologies for leak detection, pipe wall inspection, and analysis of pressurized pipelines.

Register Now!