Welcome to the King County Subsection
Members of the King County Subsection of AWWA cover a full spectrum of water industry professionals including operators and engineers, water conservation and cross-connection specialists, customer service agents and meter technicians, manufacturers and suppliers, teachers and students, meter readers and more! The King County Subsection of AWWA invites and encourages all water industry professionals to attend and participate in their meetings and events.
Officer Members

King County Subsection AWWA 13th Annual Water Olympics
March 28; 1-4pm
Formula Brewing
1875 Poplar Way
Issaquah, WA 98027
Join us for networking, food/drinks and competitions!
Competitions will include:
Best Tasting Water
Hydrant Hysteria
Meter Challenge
Contact Tyler Howard with competitions questions:
253-569-1525 tyler@lakemeridianwater.com
Admission is free and includes
two drink tickets per attendee.
Register Now!