Welcome to the South Sound Subsection
The South Sound Subsection of the PNWS-AWWA includes the Counties of:
- Kitsap
- Pierce
- Mason
- Grays Harbor
- Thurston
- Pacific (Except some portion lying South of the East/West line through the mouth of the Nema River. excluding the Long Beach Peninsula.)
If you are an AWWA member located in the South Sound, we invite you to join us for our meetings and training opportunities.
Officer Members

DIPRA Part 2 Workshop
Hybrid – In person at the TPU Auditorium & Online via Zoom
0.4 CEUs – $80 member price
Course attendees will learn how to identify corrosive environments and the basics of corrosion. Methods of corrosion control for ductile iron pipe will be covered as well as the correct installation and inspection of polyethylene encasement. The course will also discuss the differences between ductile iron and plastic pipe. It finishes by discussing how to make pipelines seismically resilient utilizing ductile iron pipe. Collectively, all of the information provided by this course will demonstrate to the attendees how to design, install, and maintain ductile iron pipe such that it meets or exceeds the design life for any installation.